
Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I am not an expert.  At anything.  I like a lot of things, and my interests change from time to time, so some days I'm really into freezer cooking, some days it's educational activities for the kids, some days it's finding good deals for groceries.  I've wanted to start a blog for several years now.  I actually have started two in the past, a family activities blog and a coupon blog, but neither of them stuck because I'm not 100% committed to those things all the time.  But, I still have never really lost my desire to have a way to communicate the things I'm feeling, learning or doing, and I have been mulling over how to communicate that for awhile now.  This blog seems to be the answer.  

I'm not an expert at homeschooling, but I'm learning and getting better, so you might see posts about that.  I like crafty things, but I wouldn't say I'm necessarily "crafty;" neatness is not one of my strong points, so everything ends up sloppier than I thought it would=)  So this blog is more about just living life in general: learning from experiences, recognizing God's hand in my life and his provision for me, growing as a parent, making use of the resources God has given us for the best, and trying to make the most of every day with my family.

I hope you can find something useful along the way as I share the story of this mom, living the life God has given me.

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