

Glad you stopped by This Mom!  I am a stay at home, homeschooling (for now) mom of 3 boys 5 & under.  I can spend hours on dreaming and scheming, which my husband tolerates quite well, because I love houses and the opportunities that come with each location and layout.  I once wanted to be an architect, until I realized that I had no artistic ability at all! =)

I am truly thankful to be able to stay home with my kids, as I was not able to do so until my first son was 2 & 1/2, at which time we had our second son.  So even though my oldest is 5, I've only been doing this stay at home mom thing a little under 3 years, and it has taught me a lot in that time.  

I hope you find something useful here, and thanks for stopping by!

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